754 50 STREET, Brooklyn

Block 794, Lot 28

The building on this lot is a 2 story miscellaneous two family.

This building was built in 1930.

There are 2 units on this property, 2 of which are residential units.

Assessed Value

This property is assessed as 1-3 Unit Residences (Tax Class 1).

 2016 Assessment 2017 Assessment
Assessed Land Value$8,795.00 $7,382.00
Assessed Total Value$23,288.00 $24,661.00
Exempt Land Value$0.00 $0.00
Exempt Total Value$0.00 $0.00

Owner Information

The owner is listed as:

Additional Resources

Sales and Assessment History


Property location map.

Adjacent Properties

753 51 STREET
owned by

755 51 STREET
owned by

751 51 STREET
owned by

758 50 STREET
owned by

752 50 STREET
owned by